Friday, 11 September 2015

5 Best Healthy Exercises To Get Rid Of Muffin Top

Exercises for muffin top are a really popular topic right now. After all, the holidays are over and the weather is getting warmer, so it's definitely time to turn your attention to that tiny bubble of fat bulging just above the waistline of your favorite jeans muffin top! It's not out of control yet, but it will be if you don't start doing the Best Exercises for Muffin Top and it's time to get going! Hop off the couch, put down the cookie, and get moving! Here are the best exercises for muffin top.

When you button your waistband and have excess fat hanging off the waistband, this is known as a muffin top. Because a muffin top is excess body fat, you must engage in calorie-burning activities to burn fat. Although targeting exactly where you will lose fat is impossible, you can combine cardiovascular exercises with muscle-toning ones to reveal toned muscles when you do lose abdominal fat.                          
Standard Plank Position

I’ve said this before, but this is my favorite ab exercise.  Take it down to the ground in plank position on your forearms, squeezing your glutes and abs and HOLD. You don’t want to let your body sink down and you should never feel discomfort or pressure in your lower back. If need be, you can rock back and forth on your toes or bring the plank up onto your hands.

Oblique Exercises 

Whether you call it love handles, muffin top or extra cushion, losing that mid-section fat can be frustrating. But if you take an extra step in your  workout and focus on your oblique muscles, you can sculpt your abs, build core strength, and lose that muffin top.

Double-Leg Stretch

The double-leg stretch is a Pilates move that tones the midsection, particularly the deep abdominal muscles. When your lose fat, this can help tone your muffin top. Start by lying on your back and pulling your knees toward your chest. Place your hands behind your head and take a deep breath in. As you breathe out, straighten your legs in the air and lift your head and shoulders off the ground.


Go for routine jogging you do not require heavy gym machines every time to perform cardio workouts. Simple jogging can work wonders in melting away fat hanging on your sides. If jogging is not possible, you can include dancing in your exercising plans. It is equally beneficial.

Rolling Plank

Rolling Plank is another variation of the classic plank exercise. It tones your entire midsection. Since it is a moving exercise, it is a good form of cardio.

  • Get down in a standard plank with your arms straight and abs tight. Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders.
  • Now roll to your left side into a side plank and come back into the plank.
  • Now roll to your right side into a side plank and then come back into the plank.
  • Keep alternating the sides and complete 10 rolls each side.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

6 Best Exercises That Burn The Most Calories

Exercises that burn the most calories usually are the first thing that comes to mind whenever the topic of fast weight loss pops into a conversation. Well, can anyone really blame us for wanting to know how to burn calories fast? Guess not! Who’d like to beat around the bush when you can just jump straight to the point! And the point is this what are the best fat burning exercises.

Everyone wants the magic exercise for burning the most calories. They usually associate running with a good way to lose fat. Most people have success with running because it is convenient, minimal equipment is needed and it is easy to make a habit. However, I want to point the best exercises that burn more calories than running.                                                                                          

Rowing is a compound movement that uses large muscles, which burn more calories. It is a great cardio workout and engages your lower and upper extremities at the same time. Try doing an “all out” pace ladder of 500-400-300-200-100 meters with a one minute rest.

Jumping rope

It is hard to believe we used to do this for fun when we were kids. Now it can be a great way to do cardio training and you can pack a jump rope in your bag for easy access. Jump ropes are cheap and can be used for intense workouts. Try doing 100 double-unders for time with standards jumps to catch your breath.


Sprinting is a killer fat burning cardio exercise. Just look at the incredible muscular phsiques of world class Olympic sprinters versus the skinny and gaunt look of marathon runners. Sprinting is a truly explosive exercise that burns a lot of burning calories in a short amount of time and keep your metabolism humming all throughout the day.


Biking isolates your lower body, it still uses large muscles and creates a huge calorie deficit. When I’m outside, I love to do hill repeats to increase my heart rate. Make sure you have clips in your shoes so you can take advantage of the pulling to engage your posterior legs. If you want to engage your upper body, try an airdyne. You only need a minute on these if you truly go all out.


aerobic is definitely my favorite exercise for burning calories. It is a bit hard at first and you might feel embarrassed for not getting the moves right all the time but the feeling is gone in about a week and you start feeling much better. An average female can burn up to 680 calories per hour if she decided to take up aerobics and let’s not forget the other benefits such as cellulite-free thighs, firm sexy butt and abs to die for.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Best 5 Full Body Massage oil For Women

The best body massage oil for body, you need to take a care of it, and for that, one needs to get to the roots of nature as natural is always safer and healthier. Massaging is of course one of the ways to obtain a younger looking skin but what to use for a massage counts. Here, we would like to share the top 5 best massage oils that are a must and the most popular ones in the spas. Do, take a look.

Are you feeling overly fatigued? Are your stress levels high? Is your body racked with aches and pains? A full body massage is the natural cure for all your woes. Adding warm oil to your body massage only heightens the experience that will leave you feeling blissfully relaxed and highly rejuvenated. Its smooth gliding action makes it easy to work with providing ample nourishment to the skin.

The body massage to be effective the choice of the oil is very important oil. Aromatic oils are generally the best choice used more commonly in spas but for a soothing treatment at home, using cold pressed or vegetable oils will help you get the maximum benefits because of the high level of purity and essential nutrients found in these oils. one Of the most popular body massage oils, the following are some of the very best that not only feel good but are also good for your overall health and general well-being.        

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is extracted from its seed and is best body massage oil for people suffering from back problems. The oil has many anti bacterial properties that can cure many skin allergies and ailments. The waxy oil (containing esters) helps in retaining the sebum of the skin.

Sweet Almond Oil

The light texture of sweet almond oil makes it easily absorbent providing maximum nourishment to the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties is especially soothing for dry and irritated skin. Equipped with a mild scent, it combines well with other essential oils like jasmine, lavender, chamomile and rose.

Sunflower Oil

The non-greasy oil is light for skin and has absolutely vital fatty acids like linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid that help in the wholesome nourishment of the skin. All the natural oils washed away by the usage of harsh lathers can be retained through the oil. It is even better a body massage oil if blended with little turmeric or vitamin E oil.

Apricot Kernel Oil

A nourishing oil, apricot kernel oil is excellent for reducing stress. The oil is non-greasy so it absorbs quickly and easily. Also anti-inflammatory in nature, apricot kernel oil greatly relieves fatigue, inflammation and aches and pains in the body. Its mild texture makes it suitable for all types of skin and is even good to body massage therapy children and infants with.

Grapeseed Oil

The light texture and almost odourless smell of grapeseed oil is best for people who are averse to strong smelling oils and who do not want to be left with a greasy feeling after a massage. It has astringent properties which helps maintain the skin’s elasticity so as a massage oil it leaves the skin feeling tighter and looking younger. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature which works well to alleviate joint pains and soothe a number of skin conditions.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Breathing Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat is the most irritating accumulation of fat around the abdomen region. This is a dangerous health hazard because it can cause many internal problems. The most frequent problems faced by people with belly fat are high cholesterol, heart stroke, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and many others. This belly fat is very stubborn and to shed and will often take many months or years to vanish.

Breathing exercises, also known as pranayama in the yoga realm, assist you to attain health and longevity. Specific breathing exercises may help reduce belly fat by strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving digestion. Pranayama is definitely an art and should be practiced with caution. Talk to your doctor before practicing alternative treatment.

Stimulating Breathing Exercise

This breathing exercise includes short and fast (rhythmic) movements of the diaphragm just like the ‘bellows’, which improves our strength, energy and mindfulness. As it imparts excessive force on the abdominal muscles, you can get rid of the fat surrounding your stomach too.

Diaphragm Breathing Exercise

This is a modified version of deep breathing in which the diaphragm is engaged for increasing the capacity of lungs and making the abdominal muscles flexible. It has great positive impact on our digestion, which helps in eliminating excess fat from the belly.

Shining the Skull Breathing

This exercise strengthens the muscles in the stomach and relieves respiratory problems, cold, eyestrain and other allergies. You need to sit in a comfortable position and inhale completely. Hold your stomach muscles in completely, while you exhale. Repeat the same for 30 minutes and come back to normal breathing for 3 seconds. Repeat the same breathing exercise three times.

Deep abdominal breathing

This exercise stresses the abdominal muscles. This is similar to a yoga breathing exercise (pranayama). Place a cushion on the floor and then kneel on your knees. Keep your back straight, close your eyes and relax. Count till 10 and then start deep breathing. Firstly, exhale out and count till 5. you should feel all the air coming out from the body. Your stomach will feel empty and airless. Hold (count till 2) after exhaling out and then inhale deeply. Count till 5 while inhaling. Hold again and count 2; exhale out completely. Repeat this exercise for 10 times every day. You will feel relaxed, reduce stress levels and also burn fat deposits from the belly.

Mouth Breathing

Breathing with your mouth pressurizes the abdominal muscles, giving you a relaxed and refreshing experience. You can sit or stand or even lie down for this exercise. Open your mouth and breathe evenly and slowly through your mouth Inhale as you count silently up to 10. Your exhalation should take a longer time. So if you inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Do not force yourself too much, try to do as much as you can. Continue this three times, every day. If you are unable to inhale and exhale for a few seconds, you maybe breathing fast. If you are standing, practice this exercise while sitting down.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Naturally Health Benefits of Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are all the rage for the many medicinal qualities they are supposed to possess. It's claimed they can help with everything from easing a cold and indigestion to fighting infection and nausea.

Drinking herbal tea allows the health benefits of herbs to enter your bloodstream more quickly than capsules and tinctures. They are the secret tool against everything from hayfever to weight loss.

Whether drank hot or iced, herbal teas allow you to enjoy the benefits of health and healing from the inside out.

Green Rooibos Tea

Green Rooibos Tea originally grown in South Africa is known for its two powerful antioxidants called aspalathin and nothofagin. Green Rooibos Tea is naturally grown caffeine free tea and the powerful antioxidants in Rooibos Tea can fight free radicals and cancer cells. The powerful antioxidants in Rooibos Tea known as Chysoeriol can improve vascular health by enhancing circulation and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Echinacea Tea

The active substance in echinacea tea helps to boost the immune system and fight infections. Echinacea Tea is great for improving colds and flues, nasal congestion and infections such as skin, eat and urinary tracts infections.  Echinacea Tea is not recommended during pregnancy.

Chamomile Tea

We love our chamomile tea! Each day around the world, we enjoy over 1 million cups of this healing herbal tea - for good reason! Delicious and fragrant, chamomile tea can help and heal us in so many ways. This amazing brew has topical benefits, as well, and can even be used cosmetically! To ease aches and pains, soothe a colicky baby, sleep soundly through the night, or find relief from irritated skin, steep a comforting cup (or pot) of this age-old medicinal cure-all tea

Dandelion Tea

This colorful little flower - although considered by many to be a bothersome weed - is actually bursting with vitamins and minerals. Dandelion tea can be made from the plant's leaves, flowers, or both, and provides many health benefits - it can gently cleanse the liver, ease constipation, stimulate digestion, reduce fluid retention, and relieve the pain and swelling of arthritis.

Licorice Tea

Licorice is a good one to sip when you have a cold because it is an expectorant that can help get rid of phlegm. It can also soothe inflamed stomach and digestive tract, and it has a mild steroid effect.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a well-known digestive aid. It is both a carminative (a substance that helps eliminate intestinal gas) and an anti-spasmodic. Studies have shown that ginger is an effective remedy for motion sickness and is safe and effective for relieving nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is an antibacterial and antifungal that helps combat infection, and it also has properties that reduce elevated blood sugar.