Friday, 11 September 2015

5 Best Healthy Exercises To Get Rid Of Muffin Top

Exercises for muffin top are a really popular topic right now. After all, the holidays are over and the weather is getting warmer, so it's definitely time to turn your attention to that tiny bubble of fat bulging just above the waistline of your favorite jeans muffin top! It's not out of control yet, but it will be if you don't start doing the Best Exercises for Muffin Top and it's time to get going! Hop off the couch, put down the cookie, and get moving! Here are the best exercises for muffin top.

When you button your waistband and have excess fat hanging off the waistband, this is known as a muffin top. Because a muffin top is excess body fat, you must engage in calorie-burning activities to burn fat. Although targeting exactly where you will lose fat is impossible, you can combine cardiovascular exercises with muscle-toning ones to reveal toned muscles when you do lose abdominal fat.                          
Standard Plank Position

I’ve said this before, but this is my favorite ab exercise.  Take it down to the ground in plank position on your forearms, squeezing your glutes and abs and HOLD. You don’t want to let your body sink down and you should never feel discomfort or pressure in your lower back. If need be, you can rock back and forth on your toes or bring the plank up onto your hands.

Oblique Exercises 

Whether you call it love handles, muffin top or extra cushion, losing that mid-section fat can be frustrating. But if you take an extra step in your  workout and focus on your oblique muscles, you can sculpt your abs, build core strength, and lose that muffin top.

Double-Leg Stretch

The double-leg stretch is a Pilates move that tones the midsection, particularly the deep abdominal muscles. When your lose fat, this can help tone your muffin top. Start by lying on your back and pulling your knees toward your chest. Place your hands behind your head and take a deep breath in. As you breathe out, straighten your legs in the air and lift your head and shoulders off the ground.


Go for routine jogging you do not require heavy gym machines every time to perform cardio workouts. Simple jogging can work wonders in melting away fat hanging on your sides. If jogging is not possible, you can include dancing in your exercising plans. It is equally beneficial.

Rolling Plank

Rolling Plank is another variation of the classic plank exercise. It tones your entire midsection. Since it is a moving exercise, it is a good form of cardio.

  • Get down in a standard plank with your arms straight and abs tight. Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders.
  • Now roll to your left side into a side plank and come back into the plank.
  • Now roll to your right side into a side plank and then come back into the plank.
  • Keep alternating the sides and complete 10 rolls each side.