Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Five Core Exercise for Women

In exercise and fitness there is nothing as important as developing strength in your soul body's core. Your core includes the musculature that holds up a corner, abdominals, back, even shoulders and gluteals. With no strong core, you are prone to injury, poor posture, and never having good form to obtain the most out of your workout. It is particularly important for women to have a strong core because we're more at risk for osteoporosis, and the body undergo so many changes throughout our way of life like childbirth and menopause.

Here are five of the most important core exercises that you can do for your core. They don't require any equipment, and you may start them right now!


Essentially, this is holding the classic push-up position, only in your elbows. Imagine pulling your navel to your spine and hold the position not less than ten full seconds. Repeat 3 times. This exercise also strengthens shoulders and gluteal muscles, but mostly targets the rear and abdominals.

Reverse Crunches

The main complaint women have about their bodies may be the 'pooch' under their belly button. There's the key reason why we carry weight there, but targeting your lower abdominals might help strengthen this area. Laying lying on your back, lift your legs in the air and them together so they are close on the ground. You can place your arms to the side at shoulder height to balance. Raise your hips off the floor a few inches or however much you are able to and return to the floor. Do three teams of ten.

A classic exercise for skaters, gymnasts, and cheerleaders, this being active is great to get a full range of movement abdominal workout. Lay flat on the ground with legs right out before you and arms over your head. In a single fluid motion sit up even though pulling your legs right into a 'v' position, push your arms with the 'v' out in front of you. This can be a very difficult exercise so if you are only able to do one, that's fine. Attempt to work up to five and then ten consecutively.

Total Crunch Routine

Doing regular crunches won't work more than one muscle group so make sure to vary the routine to included obliques (drop legs to every side), lower abdominal (exercise #2) plus some low back variations. This way all muscles are targeted and you obtain a more complete workout.

Yoga Side Bends

This exercise seems quite simple and overly easy, but is among the best workouts for your side abdominal or obliques. While standing with feet hip width apart, lean right while your right arm slides down your right leg, and also you bring your left arm overhead to deepen the curvature. Bend to your limit and take five deep breaths, deepening the stretch around the exhale. Repeat on the other side. Attempt to do three sets of stretches.

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