Wednesday 22 May 2013

Top Weight Loss Exercises to Burn Fat

Lack of physical activity and poor dietary lifestyle are experiencing a devastating effect on our overall health and longevity. As the quantity of Americans falling in the obese or overweight range approaches 3 from every 4 children and adults, health conscious individuals comprehend the importance of eating healthy and increasing exercise intensity to shed weight and live a longer life.

While limiting the kind and quantity of calories consumed is important to any weight loss exercises, the type and amount of exercise performed on a regular basis offers the fuel to burn fat and enhance the critical bio-markers of health.

Strength training and aerobic conditioning would be the two key forms of exercise, and really should be combined as part of a routine to enhance overall health. To fuel rapid loss of weight, the following cardio exercises are proven to provide results.

Running and Jogging

There isn't any better form of exercise to lose fat than running and jogging. There’s no special equipment required, and native roads provide the perfect training environment. Include hilly terrain or increase speed to possess a major impact on fat metabolism. Running burns up 600 to 1000 calories each hour, but may not be for everyone because of the risk of knee injury.

Bicycling is a superb choice to drop extra pounds, and offers a low impact lower workout. Depending on the course, biking burns up 500 to 1000 calories within an hour and it requires minimal training. Cycling is really a fun form of exercise, and injury risk can be minimized by wearing head gear and choosing a route with minimal traffic.


Swimming is really a low impact cross-training aerobic exercise which fits all major muscle groups. Working from the resistance of the water helps you to build endurance which increases metabolism for a lot of hours after the exercise is finished. Swimming for Half an hour will burn up to 400 calories, includes a low risk of injury and is simply fun.

Step Aerobics
Step aerobics supplies a high intensity lower body workout which increases heartbeat and lowers blood pressure, each of which contribute to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. Step equipment is inexpensive and, when coupled with invigorating dance music, bakes an ideal tool in your weight reduction exercises. Try joining an organized class for motivation and also to meet new friends with a common interest.

Walking is easily the most popular form of exercise, because it appeals to all age groups as well as no special equipment. Studies make sure walking at a moderate to fast pace lowers the potential risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer when accomplished for at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Although walking may not burn fat as quickly as other aerobic exercises, it will lead to steady weight loss, burning near to 200 calories in Half an hour.

Fuel your weight loss regimen by combining a lower calorie diet with an aerobic conditioning workout program. For best results, find a friend who can provide the necessary motivation you’ll desire to make this a permanent lifestyle change. Being active is the essential key to a slimmer you and also a healthier life.

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